

Gadgets That Eavesdrop

This holiday season you might be receiving a voice-controlled gadget – a voice controlled TV, a phone, or even an Amazon Echo. The convenience of this is obvious. But what about the downside? In order for the device to respond to your command – even its wake up command – it must, by definition, be listening. And it could be listening – and recording – a business-related conversation.

What is Data Discovery?

Learn about data discovery and the role it plays in many data protection solutions in Data Protection 101, our series on the fundamentals of data security.

4 Steps to Keeping Patient Data in the Cloud Protected

Once patient data has been migrated to the cloud securely, it will require ongoing protection against loss or unauthorized access. Follow these four steps to keep cloud-based data protected in an ongoing basis.

Feeling the Heat with Data Loss

Since heat is a natural byproduct of digital computation, why not use this electromagnetic emanation as a bypass for air-gap systems?

An 8 Step Framework for Secure Cloud Adoption

Don’t let concerns over cloud security risks prevent your organization from reaping the benefits of cloud computing. Use this 8 step framework to secure your organization’s cloud adoption efforts.

What is File Fingerprinting?

File fingerprinting, also known as data fingerprinting or document fingerprinting, is a technique employed by many network data loss prevention solutions for identifying and tracking data across a network. Read on to learn more about fingerprinting and the security benefits of a DLP solution with data fingerprinting capabilities.