
On-Demand Webinar

Protecting Pokemon's Most Critical IP

Watch this webinar to learn how Fortra's data-centric Secure Collaboration tool protects Pokemon’s most critical IP.
On-Demand Webinar

Your Data Will Travel - Shouldn't Your Security?

What is it that makes your organization unique? The answer to that usually lies within the data you’re creating and handling on a daily basis. And how do you ensure that your sensitive data is secure when it travels? The answer to that is by using secure collaboration.Digital Guardian's secure collaboration solution encrypts and controls access to sensitive files wherever they go, taking a zero...
On-Demand Webinar

Combine Data Loss Prevention and DRM to Enhance Data Security

The amount of data that companies are generating and its value to day-to-day business is growing exponentially. All that data is then stored and shared, both internally and externally, through all type of means. How can you ensure that sensitive data remains secure without burdening your end users?Organizations need to consider how to implement simple and scalable security solutions for end-to-end...
On-Demand Webinar

The Value of Digital Rights Management

The Value of Digital Rights ManagementIn our highly connected, collaborative economy, you can no longer depend on perimeter-based technologies alone to ensure data confidentiality. Business users need to be able to share files and collaborate on data as a part of everyday business, and risks increase when that data goes beyond your organization’s perimeter.Organizations can depend on a digital...
On-Demand Webinar

Why Pair Data Classification with DRM for End-to-End Data Security

The need to be able to share files and collaborate on data as a part of everyday working is crucial for businesses and their users. This internal and external collaboration, while necessary, presents several security challenges to IT. How much of what users are sharing is sensitive information? Where is it being stored and how is it being shared? Once you have the answers to these questions, how...
On-Demand Webinar

Webinar Acronym Jungle: CASB vs. DLP vs. IRM

There’s so much confusion in the market. How is a CASB different than DLP? Should I first invest in DLP or secure my confidential data with information rights management (IRM)? What should my team prioritize this year?We’re here to help you navigate those challenges. Watch this on-demand webinar, the “Acronym Jungle: CASB v. DLP v. IRM” to learn:The differences between CASB, DLP and IRM data...