

The History of Data Breaches

As the wave of data breaches continues to crash down on companies, let’s take a look back at some of the largest and most damaging data breaches on record. Read on for a historical walk through breaches over time as well as resources for preventing data breaches.

WannaCry: What’s in a name? Confusion.

The WannaCrypt ransomware was nothing special. Companies were done in by nasty software exploits and endemic insecurity in the form of unpatched and unpatchable legacy systems.

Kelihos and the Ransomware Ecosystem

Botnets have been a serious problem on the web for more than 15 years, and as the network has changed, botnet operators have had to adapt in order to continue making money. While launching DDoS attacks on demand once was the main revenue stream for these cybercriminals, things have changed in recent years to include the paid installation of ransomware, banking trojans, and other types of malware.

Data Protection: Knowing is Half the Battle

Part two in our blog series on The Definitive Guide to Data Classification discusses the growing data deluge, what analysts are saying about security strategy, and how classification can bring order to your digital world.

Getting Started with Data Classification

Welcome to the first in a series highlighting our latest eBook, The Definitive Guide to Data Classification. This post focuses on understanding the basics of data classification and dispels some of the myths from 1st generation classification products.Successfully protecting your enterprise’s digital data can be a tall task; what if there were a simple way to make that easier? A method that...