

All Trends Lead to Data-Centric Security

As traditional approaches to security become less effective, enterprises are shifting towards a security model that focuses on data protection at its core. Learn more about this shift to data-centric security in part five of our series, The Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention.

Debunking the Three Myths of DLP

With data loss prevention back in the limelight, there are a few myths that we’d like to dispel in part three of our Definitive Guide to DLP series.

What Is Cloud DLP?

Learn more about how data loss prevention solutions are evolving to protect sensitive data in the cloud.

4 Steps to Keeping Patient Data in the Cloud Protected

Once patient data has been migrated to the cloud securely, it will require ongoing protection against loss or unauthorized access. Follow these four steps to keep cloud-based data protected in an ongoing basis.

Terabytes of Data Stolen? The Lessons of Operation Iron Tiger

A report from the security firm Trend Micro claims that targeted attacks against US firms have resulted in the theft of intellectual property on a massive scale – including 58 gigabytes of data from a single target. But how?

5 Steps to Prevent Sensitive Data Loss

Ashley Madison is just the latest company to lose gigabytes of customer data in a high profile breach. How can companies protect their information in the face of cyberattacks?

7 Ways to Lose Sensitive Data

With trends like BYOD, workforce mobility, and the adoption of cloud and web applications for business, there are more opportunities for sensitive data loss than ever before. Here are our top 7 ways that sensitive data is most commonly lost as well as tips for preventing data loss.

The Art of Stealing Terabytes

How did hackers manage to extract terabytes of data from the network of Sony Pictures without direct, physical access? It may have been easier than you would think.