

Three Key Challenges Driving the Resurgence of DLP

Why are companies becoming more and more interested in Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions? Forrester’s senior analyst, Heidi Shey, explains why a DLP resurgence has occurred in the past few years and mentions some of the key criteria for evaluating DLP Suites.

WannaCry: What’s in a name? Confusion.

The WannaCrypt ransomware was nothing special. Companies were done in by nasty software exploits and endemic insecurity in the form of unpatched and unpatchable legacy systems.

Kelihos and the Ransomware Ecosystem

Botnets have been a serious problem on the web for more than 15 years, and as the network has changed, botnet operators have had to adapt in order to continue making money. While launching DDoS attacks on demand once was the main revenue stream for these cybercriminals, things have changed in recent years to include the paid installation of ransomware, banking trojans, and other types of malware.

How to Evaluate DLP Solutions: 6 Steps to Follow and 10 Questions to Ask

Evaluating and selecting a new solution is always an undertaking, but following a standard framework and criteria set for each solution you’re considering will help simplify the process. Part 10 of our "Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention" series provides six steps and ten criteria to guide this process.

5 Criteria for Choosing the Right Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP)

Organizations can choose to work with an MSSP for several reasons, such as security talent shortages, restricted IT budgets, the complexity of staying on top of sophisticated threats and a bewildering number of technology choices. Part 9 of our Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention series provides 5 criteria for selecting the right MSSP for your business.

Positioning DLP for Executive Buy-In

Data protection projects involve several departments within an organization, from IT to marketing. Learn how to build allies and properly position DLP to decision makers in part 8 of our series, The Definitive Guide to DLP.

Building a value-based business case for DLP

You understand the need for data protection, but how do you pitch that idea internally to get the political and financial support that you need? The key to making a value-based business case lies in positioning DLP initiatives in terms that executives will understand. Learn more in part 7 of our Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention series.

All Trends Lead to Data-Centric Security

As traditional approaches to security become less effective, enterprises are shifting towards a security model that focuses on data protection at its core. Learn more about this shift to data-centric security in part five of our series, The Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention.